Friday, April 24, 2015

Should I Spay or Neuter My Dog?

Should I spay or neuter my dog? I'm putting this out there just an information resource. I do not mean to offend anyone on either side of this argument, or if you have or have not neutered or spayed your animal.
First off, if you decide, for whatever reason to spay of neuter your dog, understand you shouldn't do it it right away. If it's a must, wait until they are 2, when they have fully matured. Females, should NOT be spayed right away, but rather let them run a few heat cycles first, to get their hormones balanced. So again, I would wait until they are 2.
Some common myths about neutering or spaying are the following: it fixes mounting, wandering, unwanted puppies, aggression and marking behaviors.
 I will give you this, that it fixes unwanted puppies, but there's a much safer and less invasive way and it's called a fence. 
It doesn't fix mounting all the time, because mounting a dog can be a show of dominance.
It will only fix aggression issues if the aggression issues your dogs having are related to their sex drive. 
Male dogs and female dogs will still mark their territory, spayed or neutered. Really the only time in my personal opinion, that's all this, you should spay or neuter your dog is if you don't want their genetics passed on, or you're preventing a disease your particular dog has in their prostate.
I'm a firm believer in letting the dogs bodies function as they were designed to function, and not to mess with any of their equipment. Having said that, I do understand why people spay and neuter; for some of the reasons above, or because they like the comfort of knowing their dog can't reproduce.
But, consider if you decide to spay or neuter, you may not be fixing any of your unwanted problems, and you may be causing some health problems. Again, having said that, I do agree some dogs' problems have been fixed through this process, again, for some of the reasons listed above.
Comment if you have any questions or comments.
Maligator Kennels.

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