Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Is My Dog Too Hot?

What are the signs your dog is too hot, and isn't dissipating their heat fast enough?
It's coming on summer, and the weather is getting warm. Soon we will be seeing, 70, 80, 90 up to 100 degree days. That's hot. Now imagine you're wearing a fur coat, with long, or short hair. Who cares right? That'd be hot.
To add even further problems to the mix, there's only two ways you can get rid of the heat your body has accumulated. One is through your mouth, the next is through your hands and feet. But, your hands and feet are on hot surfaces, like warm mountain sides, or sidewalks or asphalt.
You're going to get hot fast, stay hot longer, and cool down slower, and that can make things miserable, and life threatening if you don't get it taken care of.
Couple of tips for you on how to recognize overexertion and quick ways to cool down the dog at a safe pace.
First look at the dog's tongue. A tongue that's out, straight through their bottom K9s is good. They are getting rid of their heat. A tongue that's out, hanging to the side if their mouth, and sometimes curled, they are over exerted, and aren't getting rid of heat fast enough.
It's time to cool them down by giving them a little water, and if possible, getting their pads on a cool surface.
If you get passed this point, and your dog begins to lay down on its side, and doesn't really move, it's emergency time. Get them cool NOW. Shade, water, ice packs, something. This is not to be confused with your dog simply finding a place to rest.
Keep an eye on your dogs. It's important they get exercise, but don't push them passed their ability to get rid of the heat they have generated.
Make it a fun summer.
Maligator Kennels

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