This week, we took in Mya, a 10 week old boxer who was out of control. We boarded and trained her for 5 days.
Last night we took Mya home to her family. When she saw her owners, she was so happy, she let out a yelping whine and ran to them. It was a precious sight.
Kenna, my intern, and I sat down with the family and talked about her training and her progress. While speaking to the family, Mya showed how good her behavior had become by not once biting anyone or jumping on people, but rather laying down and socializing properly.
Mya's family was so impressed with her work and her progress.
The credit belongs to Kenna. She was dedicated and did wonderful work with this dog. Wonderful enough, that me, crusty ol me, brooding with testosterone, and "I'm a man and can't cry syndrome" that I gave her a thank you and good job, personally. Within ear shot of other people, guys. This is unprecedented. That's how well she did with Mya.
I have such a great time seeing dogs make progress but also seeing my interns do so so well.
Kenna did a great job with this dog and we couldn't me more proud of both her and Mya.
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