Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Make the Paycheck Worth It

Daily training tip:
Remember one thing when training your dog. Lets say you've taught a dog a certain task, you know he/she knows it, but they just won't do it. Like sitting, staying, downing, heeling, recalling, etc.
What might be the reason????
Remember this. Even if a dog knows the task. Knows what they have been told to do. They will not do it, without motivation. Your dog has to be motivated to do it, in other words. Such as, " if I sit, I get my toy " or if I lay down, I get my treat."
Keep in mind. The reward or "paycheck" as I like to call it, has to be worth the work. The paycheck needs to last longer, and be more excitable than the work you've asked them to do.
Remember, you're not going to work your tail off for 4 bucks an hour. But you would for 40 bucks an hour. Make the paycheck worth it.
-Maligator Kennels

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