Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to Tell What Your Dog is Trying to Say

Does my dog talk to me? If so, what is he/she telling me? How can I tell what the dog needs or wants? 
This is a topic I could go on with forever. Literally, there's so much that goes into how a dog communicates. But lets talk briefly about some minor things a dog will tell you, based on their body language. 
First. A dog can read another dog a lot better than you or I can. Trust me. But there are little things dogs do, to let you know if problems, whether it be fear, anger, submissive, etc. 
The two main things I like to focus on are body posture and the tail. You'll hear me say it all the time, "the tail, tell's all." But body posture has just as much to say. Take for example a dog like my boxer Sumo. Sumo is a friendly as a dog can get. But if you watch his body posture when he's next to another dog, he puffs his chest out and raises his head higher. He wants to establish a dominance. He wants to show the other dogs how big and tough he is. But also look at his tail, or stub rather. His little stub is moving a hundred miles an hour. So what is he telling us? I want you guys to decide for yourself. 
Then take the dog who does the same thing, but the tail is stiff and high, or midline and stiff. What's that dog telling you? What is he/she trying to communicate? It's pretty plain. I'm angry or uncomfortable, and someone or something is gonna pay the price for it. 
Another form of communication is when a dog "hackles" or the technical term, their whithers raise up; the hair on the back of their neck stands up. What is a dog trying to tell you? Are thy angry? Are they scared? Well, hackles don't tell the whole story. If a dog could speak to us by using words and they were to hackle, it would be an incomplete sentence. It would be similar to something like, "dad, I'm" and that's it. Now if they hackle, tug at the end of the leash, bark or growl in a low, non repetitive bark, tail is up and stiff, they have completed their sentence. They may as well have come out and said, "dad, I'm pissed off, and I'm gonna eat the first dog who comes near me, and doesn't immediately submit." Do you see how everything changes so quickly?
Dogs communicate in all sorts of ways. I can't always read it immediately, and sometimes it happens so fast, either you or I are going to miss it. But that doesn't mean they didn't say something to us. 
Now, knowing dogs communicate in that way, we can't expect them to communicate or understand us verbally talking to them like, "dude, please please please be good today. Okay?" They have absolutely no clue what you mean. They don't communicate that way with us, so why would we with them. 
Dogs communicate by voice ones, and what else????? Body language. Body language is huge. If you are nervous or anxious, and you don't think your dog recognizes that? I'll be dead honest, You are completely wrong. So when you correct them, mean business. Sound like the thunder from a hurricane and make yourself look big and nasty. Puff your chest out, stare them in the eyes, show them you are dominant, etc. Let them know, "dude, try that again. I dare ya." I'm gonna get in trouble for this, but have you ever seen a woman say this, "go ahead. Do whatever you'd like." Does she really mean it when she says this and she is staring at you, with dead-on, sniper accuracy eye contact, with her arms folded, tapping her fingers on her arm, or her foot on the ground? That young lady means business. It's not her words that told us. It's her body language right? 
Always be firm, but fair with your dog. Guidance is a good thing. Rules and boundaries are what pack animals need and desire to have. Spend some time this week, watching your dogs body, and seeing what it tells you; if you don't already. You learn amazing things about your dog, and the best way to communicate with them. 
Also remember that because dogs are individuals, they all learn things at a different pace. They all excel at some things better then maybe the next to, even if it's the same breed. They will tell you this by their body language and you have to be alert enough to recognize it, and help them through it. Be their leader. BE THEIR ALPHA. 
Love you all. Hope you find this a good read. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

How Long Will It Take To Train My Dog?

How long should does training take? I want my dog to be obedient. How long does it take?
These questions are very vague and too general to give you an honest answer. We can offer you an approximate time frame, based on what you are looking for, but that's it. It's only an educated guess.
Kenna Harrison and I, the two trainers have two options we can give you when it comes to advice, or training. We can lie to you, and tell you we have all the answers, we will have your dog the perfect lady or gentleman in no time, and/or we can have your dog obedient in 1 weekend.
You will hear me say all the time. I believe in being honest to my clients, even if the news isn't something they want to hear. We OWE this to you. We OWE it to you, to be honest, caring and knowledgeable, You are paying us with your time and money to help you. it sound cliche, but we work for YOU, not the other way around.
So, let me address some training tips and something to keep in mind when you are thinking of getting your dog trained.
How long should I train my dog??? The answer is, for their entire life. Dogs need to learn the task, but then have it maintained throughout their whole life. Just like we must exercise to stay in shape, dogs must stay in mental shape to be proficient at being obedient.
Now, this doesn't mean you will need to attend every class we offer, every week. We try and show you what you need to do, so you can come as often as your circumstances permit, but so you can also work with your dog outside of classes. The more work you put into the training, the better off you're going to be. The better your dog is going to be. Remember the quote, "your dog doesn't have to be the same tomorrow, as he/she is today."
As most your are, or have, commit to training your dog. Take some time, weekly with us, and daily with them, to work with them. Be their guide. Be their advocate. Be their ALPHA.
In an answer to how long training may take? This really depends on a number of factors; too many to adequately write down. But, lets cover a few.
First. How trainable is your dog?? This is a very real thing. As most of you have seen, some dogs pick it up quicker than others. Some dogs connect the dots quicker, and that's okay. That can depend on genetics, breed, age, how long you spend training them and your demeanor. Be confident. Be happy, and enjoy the training you are getting with your dog.
Second. What is it you'd like to have your dog learn? If all you are wanting is to have your dog sit on command, than you won't need to spend a lot of time in our training program. But, if you want your dog to, sit, stay, lay down, heel, on and off leash, have no separation anxiety, or sensory problems, be social and friendly and confident, then you'll be in it for the long haul. As I stated above, it's their entire life, you'll work on these tasks and disciplines.
Work with your dogs at home. You can spend as little as 15 minutes a day training them, or you can spend hours. That's up to you. But however long you train, make it fun for your and for the dog. I've said it before, nothing makes me happier than to see a dog and handler succeed. Whether that be in obedience, or overcoming some psychological issues with the dog (or the handler I guess), this brings a huge smile to my face.
Know this. At Maligator Kennels, we will ALWAYS be honest with you. We ALWAYS have your best interest at heart.
Most of you I have met, and of those that I've met, I love you guys dearly. I can't tell you how often I sit and stress about classes (in a good way) because I want you and your dog to succeed so badly. I drive my wife crazy because I spend so much time thinking about my clients, and trying to get you all set up for success.
We try and be available to you as often as our circumstances permit. If you can't make it to classes one week, but you still have questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Is My Dog the Right Weight?

This is a topic I had covered a while back, but I think it's timely to cover it again. I find more dogs these days that are overweight, than I do underweight. Part of this is due to activity level, but it's also because the dog may not have the proper diet.
So, what is the proper weight? I have attached a diagram so you can see it but here's a good guideline.
If you can see all of your dogs ribs, their hip bones and even their shoulders, they are underweight. Keep in mind, some breeds run leaner than others. For example, it's harder to keep a good layer of fat on a boxer, than it is a Husky. If your dog looks like this it could be as simple as feeding them more. But, wait, what if they eat until they are full and they still don't add enough weight. This happens all the time. Consider supplementing the dog's food with something high in protein and a little higher in fat. DO NOT USE OIL OR HOTDOGS. That's a huge no no. Hotdogs cause Pancreatitis in dogs, and it is very unpleasant. Having an underweight dog can cause a host of medical issues, such as organ problems, muscular atrophy and skeletal and structure problems. Again I don't see this often, unless the dog has been abused or in a neglected relationship.
Keep in mind, your puppies when you first get them will be a little fatter, then they will lost their weight, and then they will level out.
On the other hand, how can you tell if your dog is overweight. If you can't feel each of their ribs individually, with a moderate or heavy level of fat covering them, they are too heavy, and they need to drop weight. This is the most common thing I personally see, is dogs who are overweight.
This is a huge problem and is caused by over-eating, not enough exercise and or/poor diet. You will find most heavy dogs have lower energy, even though they have more food. Everyone, IT'S TIME TO CUT THE CRAP AND CUT THE FAT (yes, I am coining this phrase) smile emoticon)
Much like being underweight, being overweight is the cause of a lot of medical issues. It can cause heart disease, hip problems, muscular and skeletal problems. Both of these will cut years off the life of your dog.
For some, it's simple laziness by free feeding the dog. For others, it's a cheaper food and a bad diet, whether that be from a financial standpoint or the owner doesn't really know any better. Then for the rest, it's because they feel bad so they feed their dog more than they need because they don't want them to be hungry, or they simply don't know how much to feed their dog.
Dog owners. You are doing MORE harm than good by overfeeding and underfeeding your dog. Your dog does not need to have every rib visible to be the athlete you want them to be. Likewise, your dog doesn't need to be a walking blowup river tube to be happy and healthy.
Make their weight ideal, as seen in the diagram I have attached. You will find your dog is much much much happier if they are at the ideal weight. A good way to know if your dog is ideal, is if you can't necessarily see their ribs, but you can feel them each, individually, with a thin layer of fat covering them. Some of your more athletic breeds (Malinois) I keep a slightly thinner than that, where the only ribs you can see are their back two at max. But these dogs need to be in peak physical condition.
So in conclusion, let's either get our dogs better food, more food, or lets help them drop their weight if needed. I like food where the protein content at the low end is 21 percent. My first ingredient is ALWAYS meat product. Dogs are not vegetarian. Take one look at their teeth and tell me that's a vegetarian. I feed my dogs a very cost friendly food; Kirtland from Costco.
Kirtland has a high protein content (26 %), first ingredient is meat, and it's about 27 dollars for a 40 LB adult size bag. They have puppy food as well, as well as small breed. I will NEVER recommend something I don't personally believe in, and I believe in this brand of food.
I hope this helps everyone and I hope you found it worth your time to read.
Thanks all

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Is My Dog Just Untrainable?

“My dog doesn't listen. I've tried and tried and tried, and my dog just doesn't get it. Is my dog stupid? Is my dog not able to learn something as simple as sit, down, or potty training?”
At one time or another, we've all likely asked ourselves this very question. “Why doesn't my dog get it?” I want you to take a moment, if you will, and think of this. Maybe it's not the dog. Maybe it's you. The owner, the trainer, the pack leader.
There is a lot of truth to how "trainable" a dog is. Certain dogs are more trainable than others. This can be based on breed, genetics, the dog’s personality, etc. Some dogs just pick up on things more quickly than others, and it may have nothing to do with your ability.
Having said that, a lot of time it's not the dog’s fault. It’s the owner/handlers fault the dog isn’t getting it.
I'm going to touch on a few sensitive topics of conversation.
I'm a dog trainer. I LOVE dogs. I've been around thousands of dogs throughout my dog training career. There has only been one dog in my entire life I haven't liked, and it was for good reason. If I come to your home or a class and I pet and interact with your dog, it's because I love them, and I love the interaction.
However, let’s pretend for a moment I'm a friend of yours, not your dog trainer. You've invited me over for a game of poker, or a movie night. I like dogs, but I don't care to have one. I knock on your door and hear your dog barking up a storm. I hear what sounds like a thunderstorm behind the door as you try to gain control.
You open the door, your hair in disarray, your face flushed, and I can hear your spouse or significant other still trying to put the dog in a back room. Your dog isn't aggressive, he's just over-friendly and likes to jump on people, or bark at them, or run around in excitement.
As your friend, I might laugh and brush it off. As your dog trainer, I'm going to tell you everything about that scenario is wrong. It's not cute or cuddly, even in small breeds. It's not okay to allow the dog to do it either. It isn't something you say "oh it's just the way my dog is" or "it's okay, it's in his breed to bark and play." It's a big word. This is UNACCEPTABLE.
But, as your dog trainer, I'm going to tell you it's not the dog’s fault. It's your fault. You have failed the dog. I know that sounds harsh, and I don't mean it to. But how can we expect a dog to act with manners and appropriately, if we aren't willing to take the time to teach them what's acceptable?
Now, I'm not saying you're a failure. I'm simply saying you have failed to teach your dog what's okay behavior. You have avoided the problem either because you don't care, you think people should understand or, most likely, you don't really know how to fix it. That's why I'm here. I fail my own dogs on a daily basis. Whether it's praising them at the wrong time, or not praising them when I should, or letting them get away with something and then being angry when they don't listen, it's my fault. I'm trying to be better and I'm trying to be the best pack leader I can for my dog.
I know this is what you want, too. I can see it in the care you show for your dogs and how badly you want to learn. It's not your fault you don't know how to teach the dog something. It's only your fault if you know how to teach them, or you know it should be fixed, and you fail to do so.
I want you to know, your dog is not stupid and neither are you. Dogs learn in different ways. They learn at different paces, and what works so well for one dog may not work the same or as well for your dog. However, with most dogs there is hope. You just have to find out what motivates your dog and use that to your advantage. Whether the motivation be to get a pat on the head, or a treat or simply to avoid getting a correction, they need to be motivated in order to do the task.
Your dog CAN be trained to be polite, and to be obedient to your command. It doesn't matter the dog, the age, the sex, the breed, or even their living conditions. You just have to be consistent with your training and simply do the best you can.
We at Maligator Kennels are here to help you with nearly every dog training need. We will never abandon you in your quest with your dog, unless you were to employ harsh or illegal measures to try and get your dog to behave a certain way. Your dog is trainable, as are you as the owner. That's why we are here. To give you quality training, for a fair price, in a personal yet professional atmosphere.
We encourage everyone, even if your dog is a master at simple obedience, to attend basic obedience or behavioral classes. My dogs go through some rigorous training and certification. However, every single week, I spend time doing some form of simple obedience, and they still don't always get it right. I would come to all the classes you can, based on your circumstances. What’s the best way to make sure the pack is healthy and the house doesn't fall? By keeping a safe, sound, well-maintained foundation.

Thanks everyone.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How To Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks

Well it's here. The time for fireworks is upon us. I've seen a few posts lately about how to get your dog through fireworks.
Do not. I repeat. Do not, buy a thunder shirt to get your dog through it. This is just like anything else. Make it a positive experience and a calming, soothing experience. Do not praise the dog for being afraid or timid. Instead, keep them calm, without offering any praise. Once your dog settles down, then you can praise and mark that behavior.
Make your dog work through it, without pushing them to their crisis point. Your dog needs to figure out the fireworks, noises and things do not hurt them, and it should be no big deal. If you have a dog which is in "freak out" mode, ease them into it slowly, making it positive.
There is no reason to walk the dog right up to the firework. Instead, start at a distance and work towards getting closer and closer, praising them as long as they are calm.
Thanks everyone.
Happy 4th of July weekend.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Wash The Dane

(photo credit: Kyra Prause Photography)
When Maligator Kennels first opened in November, 2014, we obviously had only a few clients (you could count them on one hand). I got a call from Brian and Heather Allred of Spanish Fork. Briefly, they told me they saw my ad online, and told me about their dog Wash. They both explained Wash was a Great Dane, only a few months old, and he was already over 100 LBS. They explained Wash was a great dog, he was well-mannered and respectful, but he got out of control when he saw another dog. Heather told me it normally wouldn't be as big of a problem, except Wash was a big dog and would drag her around, and she was helpless to stop it. 

I met both Brian and Heather at a park in Spanish Fork, Utah. As a way to assist them with training, I brought my dog, Sumo, along to recreate Wash's excitement when he saw another dog. I saw firsthand that a dog who's that young, getting as excited as he did, could be a problem. I told Heather of a corrective collar I wanted her to try, so we could teach Wash his boundaries, and teach him to be calm and collected around dogs and people. 

After a short few training sessions, we had Wash better behaved and walking with a calm, collected mind. 

Since all this, Brian and Heather have come to countless classes. Brian and Heather always work very hard with their dog, and they follow my and our other trainer's advice. Wash has now become Maligator Kennels' first ever CGC (Canine Good Citizen), and he passed the test flawlessly. I remember Heather telling me one day her goal was to be able to bring Wash to see troubled or sick children, as a source of comfort and entertainment. It's not every day you see a Great Dane, and they are fun to have around. 
Recently, Brian and Heather sent me this picture. They were both at a local car wash and they brought Wash with them. As you can see in the picture, Wash is a perfect gentleman, as this sweet little girl came to see him. This little girl and two of her siblings were feeding Wash popcorn and then the little girl pulled her baby brother's car seat over and introduced her baby brother to Wash. Wash was well behaved, was not rough, and was perfectly obedient.

This is a HUGE success story, and I am owed very little credit. I gave Brian and Heather some guidelines, training tips, and helped them along the way, but they are the ones who worked with Wash and got him to where he is today. Wash brings a lot of joy to my classes and he brought a ton of joy, as you can see, to this little girl. 

Good job, Brian and Heather. You guys represent yourselves well, and you're making a positive impact on the community with Wash. 


Maligator Kennels

Friday, June 26, 2015

Quick Tip: Patience is Key

A little training tip. Never expect your dog to be a quick fix, or suddenly be a master of obedience. All obedience and behavioral training takes time. Some dogs take longer than others.
I've set up my trainings and my classes to help "reprogram" your dog, for the long haul, not the quick fix.
So as you attend classes, your looking for your dog to make improvement. That's all we ask, is the dog be better when they leave, then they were when they came. We try our very best to make sure dogs leave on a good, positive note, and never a negative one.
Also know, I stick around after classes to answer questions for everyone and to give you my professional opinion on what issues your dog has and what we can do to better the dog.
Thanks everyone